What to Do With That New Lead Your Quiz Created

post-quiz development Jun 28, 2024

Generating leads through quizzes is a fantastic way to engage your audience and grow your email list. But what happens after you capture that lead? The next steps are crucial to converting that lead into a loyal customer.

Here's a detailed guide on how to make the most out of your new connection: 


1. Send a Welcome Email

The first interaction after someone completes your quiz should be a warm and inviting welcome email. This email sets the tone for your relationship with the new lead. Here's what you should include: 

  • Introduction: Start with a friendly introduction of yourself and your brand. This is your chance to make a great first impression. 
  • Gratitude:  Thank them for taking the quiz. A simple thank you can go a long way in making them feel appreciated.                                                    
  • Expectations: Let them know what they can expect from you going forward. This could be a weekly email filled with valuable content, tips, and updates related to their interests. 

A well-crafted welcome email not only makes your new lead feel valued but also sets the stage for a long-term relationship. 


2. Provide Value

Your next step is to offer something of value that aligns with the quiz they took. This helps to build trust and shows that you're invested in providing useful resources tailored to their needs. Here's how to do it: 

  • Freebie or Resource: Offer a freebie or resource that is highly relevant to the quiz topic. This could be an eBook, a checklist, a template, or any other valuable content that provides immediate value. 
  • Relevance and Uniqueness: Ensure that this freebie is something they can't easily find through a simple Google search. It should be unique and highly relevant to their interests or needs. 

Providing value from the start not only builds trust but also positions you as an authority in your field. 


3. Nurture the Relationship

Once you've sent the welcome email and provided initial value, it's time to nurture the relationship with a series of emails. These emails should offer continuous value and keep the conversation going. Here's a strategy to follow: 

  • Consistent Communication: Send regular emails that offer tips, insights, and more valuable content. This keeps your brand top of mind. 
  • Storytelling: Share stories and relatable experiences. This helps to humanize your brand and make your emails more engaging. 
  • Personalization:  Tailor your content to their interests and needs based on the quiz results. Personalized emails are more likely to be opened and read. 

Nurturing the relationship is key to moving your leads down the sales funnel and turning them into loyal customers. 


4. Call to Action

After you've built a solid relationship and provided continuous value, it's time to encourage your leads to take the next step. Here are some effective calls to action (CTAs):

  • Live Training: Invite them to join a webinar, challenge, or Facebook group where you'll provide even more valuable content and insights. 
  • Consultation Booking: Encourage them to book a free consultation to discuss how you can help them achieve their goals. 
  • Special Offer: Present a "no-brainer" offer that they can't refuse, whether it's a discount, a special bundle, or an exclusive product. 

A compelling call to action helps to convert your engaged leads into paying customers.

Remember, capturing a quiz lead is just the beginning of what could become a beautiful and profitable relationship. It's up to you to nurture and develop this relationship through consistent communication, value provision, and timely calls to action.

If you aren't yet using a quiz to generate more leads, now is the perfect time to start. Quizzes are a powerful tool to engage your audience and grow your email list.

Learn More About The Quiz Creator

The Quiz Creator is the perfect solution for business owners looking to generate more leads without the hassle of monthly fees or participant caps. For a one-time fee of $97, you get unlimited access to create unlimited quizzes and capture unlimited leads! 

Click here to learn more and start turning your quiz leads into customers.

By following these steps, you can make the most out of each new lead your quiz creates, building stronger relationships and ultimately driving more sales for your business.